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What Does Mice Urine Smell Like?

Mice urine has a strong, distinctive smell that is mildly ammonia-like with whiffs of sour vinegar. Not surprisingly, this kind of stink can quickly invade

What Does Wine Smell Like?

The smells of wine vary depending on the region. For example, wines from Italy often have an aroma of blackberries, chocolate and cherries. Most wines

What Smell Do Mice Hate the Most?

The smell of peppermint. Some animals are frightened by smells that would not bother humans or that we could not detect, including honeybees, foxes, dogs

What Does Mold Smell Like?

Mold has a musty, earthy smell that will be more noticeable in dry areas with poor air quality. Indoor mold can often have a less

What Does a Bear Smell Like?

A bear smells like whatever it last ate! If it’s been eating fish, a bear smells like fish. If it’s been eating honey or berries,

What Does Coriander Smell Like?

Coriander has a strong, pleasantly aromatic, sweet and herbaceous scent. Its flavor is similar but milder. Coriander is used in Chinese cookery as well as

What Does Truffle Smell Like?

Truffle smells earthy and slightly mushroom-like. Some people say that the smell of a freshly cut truffle is best described as ‘a combination of bacon,