5 Ways to Get Rid of Fishy Smell from Dogs


Dogs are famous for their friendly and energetic personalities, but they can also be sensitive to scents, especially a fishy smell. Diet, skin problems, and bacteria buildup are just a few of the causes of this odor. Even while it could be challenging to totally get rid of your dog’s fishy scent, there are numerous methods you can take to lessen it.

1. Check your dog’s diet

A dog’s food is one of the most frequent reasons for a fishy odor. It’s possible for the smell to get into your dog’s skin and coat if they consume a diet rich in fish. Try changing your dog’s diet to one that contains less fish, or think about feeding your dog a fish-free diet, to help lessen the fishy scent. Prior to making any dietary adjustments for your dog, it’s crucial to speak with your veterinarian.

2. Bathe your dog regularly

By eliminating dirt and bacteria from your dog’s coat, regular bathing can help to lessen the scent of fish. Use a gentle dog shampoo, being particularly careful to concentrate on the smelliest regions. Rinse your dog off completely to get rid of all soap residue after bathing. The fishy odor can be managed by bathing your dog once per week.

3. Use a deodorizing spray or powder

You can use deodorizing powders and sprays to get rid of your dog’s fishy odor. These solutions function by eliminating the microorganisms that cause odors on your dog’s skin and coat. While powders can be placed on your dog’s coat and then combed through, sprays can be applied directly to your dog’s coat. Choose a product that is safe to use on dogs and stay away from those that have harsh chemicals in them.

4. Brush your dog’s coat regularly

Regular brushing can assist to get rid of the dirt and debris that might cause your dog’s coat to smell fishy. Use a brush that’s appropriate for your dog’s coat type, and be extra careful to focus on the spots where the scent is the strongest. Regular brushing helps to spread your dog’s natural oils throughout his coat, which can help to lessen the scent of fish.

5. Consult with a veterinarian

It’s important to speak with a veterinarian if you’ve attempted the aforementioned solutions and the fishy stench still permeates the area. This can be a symptom of a more serious underlying condition, including an allergy or skin infection. The underlying cause can be identified and the proper therapy can be given by your veterinarian.

Why does my dog smell like fish?

Dogs can develop a fishy odor for a number of reasons, including nutrition, skin issues, and bacterial accumulation. Typical causes include:

  • Eating a diet that is high in fish
  • Seborrhea, a skin condition that causes excessive production of oils and dandruff
  • Bacterial infection, yeast infection, or fungal infection
  • Allergies
  • Anal glands that are not functioning properly

It’s important to keep in mind that a fishy odor in dogs can also be a sign of other underlying medical conditions, like renal or liver problems. Consult a veterinarian as soon as you can if you think your dog might be experiencing a health problem.

The presence of external parasites like fleas and ticks is another reason why dogs may smell fishy. These parasites can irritate the skin, which might result in a fishy odor. To lessen the fishy scent, regularly examine your dog for parasites and treat them right away.

Dogs who spend a lot of time in the water or near fish may also begin to smell fishy. The reason for this is that the bacteria and oils in the water can adhere to their coat and result in a fishy smell. Make sure to rinse your dog off with fresh water after they’ve been in the water to help reduce this type of fishy smell.


The best way to prevent a fishy smell from developing on your dog is to maintain good hygiene practices. This includes:

  • Providing a balanced diet that is low in fish
  • Bathing your dog regularly with a mild dog shampoo
  • Brushing your dog’s coat regularly
  • Checking your dog for external parasites and treating them promptly
  • Drying your dog off after they have been in the water
  • Consulting with a veterinarian if you notice any unusual smells or symptoms

You can help your dog smell less fishy and keep them smelling clean and fresh by following these instructions. Keep in mind that your veterinarian should be consulted for an accurate diagnosis and course of treatment if the scent persists or you detect other symptoms.

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